Let’s Get Lost

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Packing for Panama

This time around packing is a little more meaningful. I wrote about a really smart organization called Pack for a Purpose last year, and I'm finally in the position to contribute. Pack for a Purpose helps travellers donate supplies to local community-based projects in an informed and targeted way.  They publish a list of world-wide destinations with lodgings that accept donations, and there you will find an itemized list of needs for the community project they support. Brilliant! In early June I'll be meeting my friend Julie in Costa Rica and we're going to make our way to Bastimentos Island in the Bocas del Toro area of Panama. Palamar Tent Lodge (where we will spend a few nights) has partnered with Give & Surf non-profit to improve the educational facilities at the nearby Red Frog indigenous community school. So I will be stuffing about 5 lbs worth of art supplies, book bags and first-aid into my backpack, instead of that extra pair of shoes I know I won't wear.

Why not make a community donation part of every packing list?

ps. If you have any recommendations on what to do/see in Panama (David, Boquete, Bocas) or Costa Rica (San Jose, Puerto Vijeo), that would be sweet.